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Double Inlet Double Width Fan

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Double Inlet Double Width Fan (DIDW) low & medium pressure Blower Fan high efficiency (up to 82%) allowing to reach high savings in the consumption of electricity, low noise. For a fan the source of noise is mainly the air turbulence created by the impeller. Double Inlet Double Width series fan has been created to obtain the lowest noise thank to the aerodynamic profile of the inlet cone and of the static and dynamic balancing of the impeller. Suitable for the supply air for the various applications of the ventilation, air-conditioning and processes industry.


  •   Volume: from 1000 m3/h up to 1,00,000 m3/h
  •   Pressure: from 20 mm wgp up to 400 mm wgp
  •   Temperature: up to 350ยบ c
  •   Driven arrangement - direct / v-belt / coupling drive
  •   Construction : MS / SS / aluminum

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Air Blower, Air Blowers, Air Curtain, Air Curtains Device, Air Fan, Air Fans, Air Ventilation Systems, Axial Cooling Fans, Axial Fan, Axial Fans, Axial Flow Fans, Belt Driven Fan, Belt Driven Fans, Bifurcated Fan, Bifurcated Fans, Blower Fan, Blower Wheel, Blower Wheel With Inlet Cowl, Blower With Ducting, Blowers, Cabinet Blower Fans, Cabinet Centrifugal Fan, Cabinet Centrifugal Fans, Cabinet Inline Fan, Cabinet Inline Fans, Cartridge Dust Collector, Cartridge Dust Collectors, Centrifugal Belt Drive Fan, Centrifugal Blower, Centrifugal Blowers, Centrifugal Duct Fan, Centrifugal Fan And Blower, Centrifugal Fan And Blowers, Centrifugal Suction Blower, Compact Blower, Compact Blowers, Compact Dust Collector, Compact Dust Collectors, Cooling Blower, Cooling Blowers, Cooling Fan, Cooling Fans, Cross Flow Fan, Cross Flow Fans, Degasser Blower, Degasser Blowers, Didw Blower Fan, Didw Blower Fans, Direct Drive Fan, Direct Drive Fans, Direct Driven Axial Fans, Double Inlet Double Width Fan, Duct Fan, Duct Fans, Dust Collection Unit, Dust Collector, Dust Collectors, Dust Extraction Unit, Exhaust Fan, Exhaust Fans, External Cooling Axial Fan, External Rotor Motor Cooling Fan, External Rotor Motor Cooling Fans, Fan And Axial Fan, Flameproof Centrifugal Blower, Flameproof Centrifugal Blowers, Flameproof Exhaust Fan, Forward Curve Impeller, Forward Impeller, Fresh Air Cabinet Fan, Fresh Air Filter, Fresh Air Filters, Fresh Air Ventilation And Fume Exhaust, Fresh Air Ventilation And Fume Exhausts, Frp Belt Drive Bloweruix, Frp Blower Fans, Fume Extractor, Fume Extractors, High Pressure Blower, High Pressure Blower Fan, High Pressure Blower Fans, High Pressure Blowers, High Vacuum Blowers, Home, Hot Air Circulation Fans, Id Fan, Inline Fan Cabinet Type, Inline Fans, Laser Fume Extractor, Long Casing Axial Fan, Man Cooler, Man Coolers, Medium Pressure Blower Fans, Medium Pressure Blowers, Motor Cooling Fan, Multiple Bag Dust Collector, Multiple Inlet Blower Fan, Multistage Fabricated Centrifugal Blowers, Panel Cooling Fan, Panel Saw Dust Collector, Pollution Control Equipment, Portable Axial Fan, Portable Blower, Portable Centrifugal Fan, Portable Dust Collection Unit, Portable Dust Collector, Portable Fume Extraction Unit, Portable Fume Extractor, Portable Fume Extractor 1, Portable Fume Extractor Unit, Portable Fume Extraxtor With Flexible Hose, Portable Trolley Mounted Centrifugal Blower, Portable Ventilation Axial Fans, Portable Ventilation Fan, Portable Welding Fume Extractor With Suction Arm, Pp Blower, Pp Frp Centrifugal Blower, Pressure Blower, Pressure Blowers, Radial Blowers, Regenerative Blowers, Ring Blowers, Sanding Dust Collector, Scrubber, Scrubber With Vacuum Pump, Side Channel Blowers, Single Stage Fabricated Centrifugal Blowers, Smoke Extractor, Smoke Filtration System, Soldering Fume Extractor, Stand Mounted Man Cooler, Suction Blower, Tube Axial Fan, Tube Axial Flow Fan, Tunnel Ventilation Fan, Turbine Loaders, Turbo Blowers, Two Stage Blower, V Belt Drive Axial Fan, V Belt Drive Blower, Vacuum Blowers, Ventilation Axial, Ventilation Blowers, Ventilation Systems, Vortex Blowers, Welding Fume Extractor, Wet Fume Scrubber, Wet Scrubber, Wood Working Portable Dust Collector